Call us or Whatsapp us at+91 80548 02500 or +91 81466 66880
- superficial subcutaneous fat and
- deep subcutaneous fat.
- the anterior axillary fold
- and the areola.
- For the purpose of advanced 3D Liposuction, the Pectoralis Major muscle is divided into upper and the lower poles.
- Aesthetically the upper pole should have a greater volume than the lower pole.
- So, liposuction is done only in a deeper plane in the upper pole to preserve superficial fat and to preserve fullness at upper pole.
- But in lower pole , liposuction is done more aggressively in both superficial and deep planes, to create a lean muscular look at lower pole.
- There is a triangular area on the sides of Pectoralis Major muscle, defined as a negative space, the liposuction should be aggressively done here to create a concavity at the sides of chest.
Similarly, there should be a midline groove in the centre of the chest created by 3D liposuction.
Gynaecomastia Case 1
Gynaecomastia Case 2
Gynaecomastia Case 3
Gynaecomastia Case 4
Gynaecomastia Case 5
Gynaecomastia Case 6
Gynaecomastia Case 7
Gynaecomastia Case 8
Gynaecomastia Case 9
Gynaecomastia Case 10
Gynaecomastia Case 11
Gynaecomastia Case 12
Gynaecomastia Case 13
Gynaecomastia Case 14
Gynaecomastia Case 15
Gynaecomastia Case 16
Gynaecomastia Case 17
Gynaecomastia Case 18
The glandular tissue is a tough tissue present around the Nipple/areola area. As it is a hard or tough tissue, it is not aspirated out by Liposuction and requires surgical excision in most of the cases.
A keyhole incision is given in the areola and using fine instruments the glandular tissue is excised.
Dr. Gawri advocates the gland removal, in most of his cases, through a small circum-areolar incision.
- Excising the Gland tissue in adequate amount is important.
- If we leave behind the more gland tissue, the result will not be adequate.
- On the other hand, if the gland tissue is excised in excess, it will create a SAUCER DEFORMITY i.e, a concavity/ depression in the chest wall, which looks even worse.
- Dr Vikas Gawri is experienced to remove the adequate amount of gland tissue in his cases, which is necessary to achieve a best aesthetic result.
- The small areolar incision is sutured back with a very fine suture material so that the scar is minimal and fades away over time.
The use of drains is NOT NECESSARY in gynaecomastia surgery. The incisions are kept open for drainage of any fluid.
- You will be sent home in the same evening.
- You can do all the normal activities at home.
- You will be prescribed oral antibiotics and analgesics.
- Pressure garment is worn after the procedure.
- There should be one attendant to drive you back.
- First follow up visit is on 2nd or 3rd day to check for any swelling, bruising, garment fitting etc. The result can be appreciated at this visit and gives a new confidence to our clients.
- 2nd follow up visit is on 7th day for skin sutures to be removed ( if any ) and to check for symmetry of chest AND APPRECIATE RESULT.
- Pressure Garment is to be worn for 3-4 weeks.
A keyhole incision is given in the areola and using fine instruments the glandular tissue is excised
Call us or Whatsapp us at+91 80548 02500 or +91 81466 66880