Eyes are the most beautiful and expressive features of our face. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin as compared to any other area in our body.
Loss of volume and skin laxity changes in the lower eyelid can lead to ageing look and loss of youthful appearance.
Tear trough is the area situated just below your lower eyelid and above your cheek anteriorly. Tear trough deformity means that this area becomes hollow with a depression varying from mild to severe.
- Volume or fat loss due to ageing
- Stressful daily conditions
- Hormonal imbalance in females
- Significant weight loss
- Development of eye bags in the lower eyelid which makes the tear trough more prominent.
Tear trough is divided into mild, moderate and severe
Treatment of choice in most cases is Derma Fillers Injection. These derma filler injections contains Hyaluronic Acid HA, in a low viscosity or fine gel .
- It is an office based procedure done in about 30-45 minutes in doctor’s office only.
- One of our doctors will take photographs of your eyes for medical record and to compare the results.
- You will be required to sign a consent form.
- An anesthetic cream (eg. Prilox) is applied to under eyes area for 25-30 minutes.
- The numbing cream is removed and the area is thoroughly cleaned, aseptically.
- We use the best Dermafiller product as JuvedermVolbella.
- One of our doctors will inject about 0.5ml of filler injection on each side Tear Trough.
- The fillers injection contains xylocaine as local aneasthetic and has very fine needle , so there is mild or no pain during the procedure.
- Usually 1ml suffices for both under eyes but in some cases second vial needs to be injected.

- Do not massage the area for next one week.
- Pat dry the area and do not rub with towel after facewash. You can apply eye makeup after 2 days.
- There is no oral or topical medication advised.
- Avoid sauna, steam or any facials for one week.
- Drink plenty of fluids for better hydration for derma fillers over next few days.
It lasts for average 18 months.
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Infection
- Lump formation
- Injection into a blood vessel – leading to blockage of blood
- Tyndall Effect- bluish discoloration of the skin if filler injection is given too superficially
- These side effects are very rare in the hands of our expert doctors.
Call us or Whatsapp us at+91 80548 02500 or +91 81466 66880
- The results are promising and immediate.
- You are ready with a confident look, just the next day.
- You are advised to visit after one week for before and after photo and for any touch up, if required.
- There is a Team of Doctors – comprising Plastic surgeon and Skin experts. Our doctors are well trained and certified to inject Derma Fillers injection. They keep them updated to the latest developments in world conferences about any non- surgical cosmetic procedures.
- We assure high standards of aseptic precautions.
- We use quality products as JuvedermVolbella.
- We have a caring staff to help you.
Cost of injecting 1 ml of Juvederm Volbella (Quality product) at both sides Tear Trough is Rs. 25,000/- plus GST 18%. The cost might be more in case of severe tear trough.
Call us or Whatsapp us at+91 80548 02500 or +91 81466 66880
Under Eye Hollows Treatment Cost in Ludhiana